Lap 25
I'm runnning after something I can't see,
I don't want to miss the mark
You see, I'm running afer destiny..
I've got hope inside of me
and grace by my side
I've got faith that pushes me
and passion that will not die....
Keep me in step with the truth
I want to be paced with Jesus
Perfect time...
Perfect time...
Eyes fixed
Heart beating
One foot in front of the other-
Just keep running
I've got hope inside of me
and Grace by my side
I can't see the end
I can't see the prize
Just keep running
Just keep running
You won't miss the mark
Birthed out of today's frustrations/reflections about destiny- man- I don't think there's one day that I don't think about what I'm doing with my life and what the next step is and what decisions need to be made. Today's thought "walking by faith and not by sight." I can't see what the next step is and things don't completley make sense yet- It reminds me of swimming laps in the pool though, it might be similar for running (I'm not a runner so I don't really know). Say you're swimming forty laps, you start out slow and the first ten laps are pretty easy and then it builds and each lap gets harder and harder. By lap 25 you want to die and give up- but if you just push threw the last ten are super easy. I feel like I'm on lap 25. I've come soo far and worked so hard to get where I am, I am determined not to give up because I know that if I just push threw everything is going to make sense and the finish line and final puzzle piece of God's "mystery plan" is going to fall into place.