The up's and down's
My ministry has bipolar disorder (hope no one is seriously offended by that). I'm living in two worlds. On the one hand we have StreetHope, a ministry to homeless youth and teens. It's unpredictable, it's different every day. Some days are boring and dull, other days you get sworn at. I see all kinds of crazy things (people shooting up, very addicted people, beggers, arrests, etc). I also get to see how God moves in and through all this crazy chaos and it's been really awesome thus far!
On the flip side I'm teaching Sunday School and helping out with a youth group at your run of the mill Anglican Church. There's like ten people under the age of sixty and it's BCP sung communion pretty much every Sunday.
The hilarious thing is- both of these things are an incredible stretch for me. I didn't know much about street culture or how to minister to street kids before I got here (still learning).. so each day has definetly been a new adventure. I've had a lot of frustration in the past with the Anglican Church, so I'm really learning patience, and learning how to listen.
Sometimes I feel like I meet with God more on the streets, in the people I meet and in the experiences we share together- instead of in the church. This makes me sad. But I guess in hindsight we are the Church!