Dance Away.
This is one of the many people I've met along my journey that I think about often. This is Nicole (my room mate from Victoria) and Sundance. Sundance is a heroin addict who lives on the downtown East Side of Vancouver. Last March Nicole and I took a group of youth through the hi-ways and bi-ways of the rat infested, drug addicted world that is home to so many of Canada's broken. Sundance is an aborinigal man and because of his native spirituality was very open and receptive to Jesus. When we met Sundance he was he the process of applying for funding to get on a methodone treatment program. He asked to return to find him in four weeks. He was optimistic that his funding would come through and that he would be on the road to recovery by April but was certain that with the lifestyle he lived he would be dead within a month.
In March, Sundance's addiction was costing him $300 a day. With an addiction that strong Sundance would go to any means to collect the cash to get his fix for the day. Sundance's home was one of the more elaborate of homeless men I've met in the last year. He'd hung sheets up around a cubby hole to claim his territory and had somehow acquired a foam mattress to sleep on and several blankets. He was dirty and emanciated from years of drug use and street life. Another face on the journey. Here's to Sundance. Dance free my friend, dance free.