My laptop is back to health! I picked it up from staples this morning after pretty much having a complete summer with inconsistent usage and it seems to be working fairly well. I figured I should put the money into it to get it working for one more school year before I decide to buy a new one.
My summer in Aliquippa is almost complete. I have roughly nine days (...eight hours and nine minutes if you're counting...but who is?). I remember at the beginning of the summer laying on my bed with my calendar and counting backwards from 83 days. That's a long time. Fortunatley, it's been a good time, a growing time and hopefully a fruitful time. I remember distincly when John (our supervisor) asked me what I would like to do this summer, I responded, "I just don't want to serve coffee.." Although serving coffee is meaningful and someone has to do it, what I meant to imply was that I want to learn about people, relationships, and communicating properly. I guess I should be careful what I ask for. Never would I have expected or imagined to spend a month assisting business and home owners in flood recovery. This was the most practical "ministry" experience I've had in a long time. To be able to tell a person that they're worth it...that this community is worth rebuilding regardless of how dirty I look or how tired I am. Restoring hope to this city one individual at a time. Bringing the Kingdom to Aliquippa one flooded basement at a time.
God's up to something.